It may be noted that children with developmental disabilities are often affected in multiple domains of function because of the nature and extent of brain impairment or increased susceptibility to other causes of disability (e.g., malnutrition, trauma, infection) among children with a single disability.Ĭognitive disabilities in children include mental retardation as well as specific learning disabilities in children of normal intelligence. Brief descriptions of the clinical features of each of the broad categories of developmental disability are provided below. The clinical features of developmental disabilities are variable in severity as well as in the specific areas of function that are limited. For several of the disorders discussed in subsequent chapters-specifically epilepsy, depression, and schizophrenia-evidence indicates such a causal relationship. To varying degrees, the causes of many other neurological and psychiatric disorders not typically designated as developmental disabilities may also be traced to early neurodevelopment.
Major Categories of Developmental Disability with Corresponding ICD-10 Diagnostic Codes (when available).